Children can be totally unpredictable, and unwilling to preform tasks that you ask of them. Its not their fault, they have short attention spans, are learning to be Independent, and just want to have fun. Standing/sitting in the same spot is NOT FUN! So as a photographer I have learned a few “Tricks” of the trade that I am willing to give away. Feel honored, I don’t do this very often.
If you have a child that is totally un-willing to stand or stay in a spot you have specified I use the Quarter Trick. I learned this in a photography class at Texas School of Professional Photographers a few years back. Now a quarter doesn’t seem like much but for a child that understands (2-4 years) the value of that quarter its Enormous!! They know that a quarter will buy them anything they want in those pesky quarter candy machines in most grocery stores. Normally I don’t suggest Bribing a child to get what you want – it usually ends badly. This trick is very simple if executed correctly. I show them the quarter and explain to them the rules of this game.
“I brought you a quarter, and you get to keep this quarter as soon as we are done taking pictures, does that sound cool to you?” Watch their little eyes light up!
“But I have some rules, do you think you can follow my rules?”
“I’m gonna put this quarter down exactly where I want you to stand and I want you to put your foot on it! I don’t want my camera to see the quarter so you have to stomp on it. If my camera sees that quarter you have to give it back to me, but if my camera doesn’t see the quarter they whole time I’m taking pictures you get to keep the Quarter!”
This usually results in an immediate giant grin. While shooting you want to keep engaged with them giving them more instructions with different posing techniques. Some follow direction really well- you have to at least try or just capture their natural movements. If you see that they aren’t engaging with you briefly look out from behind your camera and pretend to search for that quarter and ask “Do I see that quarter? Its mine if I see it.” This regains their focus at the task at hand and usually they usually respond with another giant grin. Don’t use this trick for to long cause it will make it feel like they will never be rewarded for the good behavior. So bring a few quarters with you to use in the other locations picked out. And always give verbal praise, hugs, and give high-fives for a job well done! Children thrive off of good reinforcement!